“Digital Interferometry Applied to Transient Dense Plasmas”, Cristian Pavez, José Pedreros, Carlos Curin, Gonzalo Muñoz C., and Leopoldo Soto. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Vol 40 No 12 (2012) DOI:10.1109/TPS.2012.2223237
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“Drive Parameter of Neutron-Optimized Dense Plasma Foci”, Daniel Klir and Leopoldo Soto. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Vol 40 No 12 (2012) DOI:10.1109/TPS.2012.2220380
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“Observations of Ablation Dynamics in Wire-Array Z-pinch Experiments on the Llampüdkeñ Generator”, Felipe Veloso, Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, Francisco Molina, Ian H. Mitchell, Hernán Chuaqui, Senior Member, IEEE Mario Favre, and Edmund Wyndham. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Vol 40 No 12 (2012) DOI:10.1109/TPS.2012.2216902
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“Current measurement by Faraday effect on GEPOPU”, Noemí Correa, Hernán Chuaqui, Edmund Wyndham, Felipe Veloso, Julio Valenzuela, Mario Favre and Heman Bhuyan. Appl. Opt. 51, 758-762 (2012) DOI: 10.1364/AO.51.000758
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“Plasma Sheath Kinematics and Some Implications on the Modelling of Very Low Energy Plasma Focus Devices”, Felipe Veloso, Ariel Tarifeño, Cristian Pavez, José Moreno, Marcelo Zambra and Leopoldo Soto. IOP Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 54 (2012) 095007 (8pp) DOI:10.1088/0741- 3335/54/9/095007
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“Non Intrusive Plasma Diagnostics for Measuring Sheat Kinematics in Plasma Focus Discharges”, Felipe Veloso , Jose Moreno, Ariel Tarifeño-Saldivia, Cristian Pavez, Marcelo Zambra and Leopoldo Soto. IOP Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (2012) 087002 (7pp) DOI:10.1088/0957-0233/238/087002
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“Potentiality of a Small and Fast Dense Plasma Focus as Hard X-Ray Source for Radiographic Applications”, Cristian Pavez, Jose Pedreros, Marcelo Zambra, Felipe Veloso, Jose Moreno, Ariel Tarifeño- Saldivia and Leopoldo Soto. IOP Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 54 (2012) 105018 (9pp) DOI:10.1088/0741-3335/54/10/105018
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“Understanding the Insulator Conditioning Process in Fast Plasma Focus Discharges”, A. Tarifeño-Saldivia, E. Ramos-Moore, P. Ferrari and L. Soto LAWPP 2011 J of Physics Conference Series 370 (2012) 012060 DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/370/1/012060
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“The Silver Counter Neutron Detector Revisited”, A. Llanquihuen- Martinez, A. Tarifeño-Saldivia, J. Moreno and L .Soto. LAWPP 2011 J of Physics Conference Series 370 (2012) 012068 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/370/1/012069
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"Multiple Pinching in The Miniature Plasma Focus nanoPLADEMA", M. Barbaglia, L.Soto and A Clausse. LAWPP 2011 J of Physics Conference Series370 (2012) 012058 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/370/1/012058
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“Statistical Characterization of the Reproducibility of Neutron Emisión of Small Plasma Focus Devices”, Ariel Tarifeño- Saldivia and Leopoldo Soto Physics of Plasmas 19, 092512 (2012) DOI:10.1063/14747444
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“Modelling of the Internal Dynamics and Density in a Tens of joules Plama Focus Device”, Ariel Marquez, Jose Gonzalez, Ariel Tarifeño- Valdivia, Cristan Pavez, L. Soto and A. Clausse. Physics of plasmas 19, 012703 (2012) DOI:10.1063/1.3672005
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“A Collinear Self-Emission and Laser-Backligthing Imaging Diagnostic”, S.C. Bott, G. Collins IV, K. Gunasekera, D. Mariscal, F.N. Beg, D.M Haas, F. Veloso, I.C. Blesener, C.L. Hoyt, B.R Kusse, and D.A. Hammer. IX Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Review Of Scientific Instruments 83, 083507 (2012) DOI: 10.1063/1.4746996
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“Toroidal high-density singularities in a small Plasma Focus”, Federico Casanova, Ariel Tarifeño-Saldivia, Felipe Veloso, Cristian Pavez, Leopoldo Soto and Alejandro Clausse, Journal of Fusion Energy, DOI 10.1007/s10894-011-9469-1(2011).
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“Editorial article of Special Issue devoted to Invited papers from the 15th International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 13th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics”, Leopoldo Soto, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 53, 070201 (2011)
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“Dependence of hard x-ray emissions with the charging pressure in a small Plasma Focus” M. Barbaglia, L. Soto and A. Clausse, Journal of Fusion Energy, DOI 10.1007/s10894-011-9455 (2011).
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“Correlations among neutron yield and dynamical discharge characteristics obtained from electrical signals in a 400 joules plasma focus”, Felipe Veloso, Cristian Pavez, Jose Moreno, Victor Galaz, Marcelo Zambra and Leopoldo Soto, Journal of Fusion Energy, DOI 10.1007/s10894-011-9429-9 (2011).
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“Dynamics and Density Measurements in a Small Plasma Focus of Tens of Joules Emitting Neutrons”, Ariel Tarifeño, Cristian Pavez, José Moreno and Leopoldo Soto, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 39, 756 - 760 (2011)
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“Studies on scalability and scaling laws for the plasma focus: similarities and differences in devices from 1MJ to 0.1J”, Leopoldo Soto, Cristian Pavez, Ariel Tarifeño, José Moreno and Felipe Veloso, Plasma Sources Sci. and Technol. 19, 055017 (2010).
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“Demonstration of x-ray Emission from an ultraminiature pinch plasma focus discharge operating at 0.1 J. Nanofocus”, Cristian Pavez and Leopoldo Soto, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 38, 1132 (2010).
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S. Lee, S.H. Saw, L. Soto, S.V. Springham, S.P. Moo, "Numerical experiments on plasma focus neutron yield versus pressure compared with laboratory experiments", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51, 075006 (July, 2009)
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M. Barbaglia, H. Bruzzone, H. Acuña, L. Soto and A. Clausse, "Experimental study of the hard x-ray emissions in a plasma focus of hundreds of Joules", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51, 045001 (April, 2009)
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F. Veloso, H. Chuaqui, N. Correa, R. Aliaga-Rossel, M. Favre and E. Wyndham, "Compression of a laser initiated hollow gas embedded z-pinch", submitted to Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (March, 2009)
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L. Soto, C. Pavez, J. Moreno, M. Barbaglia and A. Clausse, "Nanofocus: an ultra-miniature dense pinch plasma focus device with submillimetric anode operating at 0.1J", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18, 015007 (Feb, 2009)
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L. A. Viera, I. Lira, L. Soto, C. Pavez, "Motion of a red blood cell in interference field", Opt. Commun. 282, 64-68 (Jan 2009)
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L. Soto, P. Silva, J. Moreno, M. Zambra, W. Kies, R. E. Mayer, A. Clausse, L. Altamirano, C. Pavez and L. Huerta, "Demonstration of neutron production in a table-top pinch plasma focus device operating at only tens of joules", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 205215 (Oct 2008)
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J. Moreno, L. Birstein, R. E. Mayer, P. Silva and L. Soto, "System for measurement of low yield neutron pulses from D-D fusion reactions based upon a 3He proportional counter", Meas. Sci. Technol. 19, 087002 (August 2008)
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A. Tarifeño, C. Pavez, M. Cardenas and L. Soto, "Zero-dimensional simulations of wire array experiments and Z-pinch flux compression using SPEED2 generator", Phys. Scr. T131, 014028 (Oct 2008)
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C. Pavez and L. Soto, "Scaling and stabilization due to the large ion Larmor radius (LLR) effects in plasma focus devices", Phys. Scr. T131, 014030 (Oct 2008)
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A. Tarifeño, C. Pavez and L. Soto, "Design and characterization of a small multipurpose capacitor bank for plasma physics and pulsed power experiments", Phys. Scr. T131, 014029 (Oct 2008)
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L. Soto, C. Pavez, J. Moreno, M. Cardenas, A. Tarifeño, P. Silva, M. Zambra, L. Huerta, C. Tenreiro, J.L. Giordano, M. Lagos, C. Retamal, R. Escobar, J. Ramos and L. Altamirano, "Dense transient pinches and pulsed power technology: research and applications using medium and small devices", Phys. Scr. T131, 014031 (Oct 2008)
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“Line shapes of narrow optical bands. Infrared absorption by U--centers and heavier impurities in alkali halides”. M. Lagos, F. A. Asenjo, R. Hauyón, D. Pastén, H. González, R. Henríquez and R. Troncoso. Physical Review B 77, 104305 (2008).
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“Line shapes in the infrared absorption by solids, and by atomic or molecular species embedded in solids”. M. Lagos, F. A. Asenjo, R. Hauyón, D. Pastén and P. S. Moya, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 7353 (2010).
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“A theoretical approach to finite strain superplasticity and some of its applications”. M. Lagos and C. Retamal, Physica Scripta 81, 055601 (2010).
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“Grain dynamics and plastic properties of highly refined materials”. M. Lagos and C. Retamal, Physica Scripta 82, 065603 (2010).
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“Monte Carlo calculation of dosimetry parameters for the IR08-103Pd brachytherapy source”, Pooneh Saidi, Mahdi Sadeghia, Alireza Shirazi, Claudio Tenreiro, Med. Phys. 37, 2509-2515 (2010).
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“Monte Carlo calculated TG-60 dosimetry parameters for the β- emitter 153Sm brachytherapy source”, Mahdi Sadeghia, Fatemeh Taghdiri, S. Hamed Hosseini, Claudio Tenreiro, Med. Phys. 37, 5370-5375 (2010).
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“Deterministic risk control for cost-effective network connections”, Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda, Xujin Chenb, Jie Huc, Xiaodong Hub, Alfredo Candia-Véjar, Theoretical Computer Science 412, 257–264 (2011).
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C. Pavez, L. Soto, J. Moreno, A. Tarifeño and G. Sylvester, "Progress in Z-pinch research driven by the mega-ampere device SPEED2", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012050 (2008)
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L. Soto, M. Zambra, M. Loewe, G. Gutierrez, M. Molina, F. Barra, F. Lund, C. Saavedra and P. Haberle, "Analysis and projections of physics in Chile", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012052 (2008)
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P. Silva, C. Farias, P. L'Huissier, V. Pinto, M. Zambra and L. Soto, "Hard x-ray measurement from a plasma focus of low energy", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012045 (2008)
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A. Tarifeño, C. Pavez and L. Soto, "Production of high magnetic fields by using high power laser and scaling to medium power lasers", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012048 (2008)
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M. Zambra, J. Moreno, P. Silva, L. Soto, G. Sylvester and C. Pavez, "Neutron emission from a plasma focus device: a neutron radiography diagnostic?", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012047 (2008)
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M. Zambra, J. C. Soto, P. Silva, G. Sylvester, C. Pavez, J. Moreno and L. Soto, "Electrical characterization and experimental results in the SPEED4 plasma focus device", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012046 (2008)
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P. Silva, J. Moreno, C. Pavez, L. Soto and J. Arancibia, "Soft x-ray emission from a plasma focus of hundreds of joules", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012044 (2008)
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C. Pavez, J. Moreno, P. Silva, F. Castillo, J. Herrera and L. Soto, "Characterization of neutron emission and measurement of the electronic density in a plasma focus of 400J", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 134, 012049 (2008)
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